Raji's Craft Hobby: Floating Flower Candles Without Mold

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Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Floating Flower Candles Without Mold

Floating candles are a great beginner project.I love floating candles.Just put them in a nice glass or brass bowl and you'll have a simple but elegant centerpiece display.These are a great idea for any special occasion or time of year and they just add a charm to whatever environment they're decorating.

And these candles are just easy to make.You can make them big or as small as you would like.If you want a scented candle.....well ...that too isn't hard at all. Just add your favorite essential oil to the the wax and there you go....you have made your own personalized scented flower floating candle!!!!!

Materials Used:- 
  • Paraffin Wax
  • Candle Wicks 
  • Wax Crayons
You might be probably wondering how to clean up all that wax. Even after being very careful not to spill,there will be some in the container or on your tools, on your counter-tops, etc. 

The best way to clean it is to wipe the wax away with a paper towel while it’s still in liquid form. If the wax does harden before you’re able to clean it up,just scrape it off. Don't ever make the mistake of just rinsing it down the drain or put the tools in the dishwasher.Well for a while the wax will easily melt off, it can harden again and clog up your pipes. 

Need Supplies?

Lets start!!
Start by cutting the candle wick upto to one inch length.

Melt the Paraffin Wax over gas.

Take it off the gas and add the wax Crayon.

Mix well till the crayon is dissolved.

With the help of a spoon, pour the wax on the counter and spread it.

Cut it into half with help of knife.

Work fast,coz, if the wax sets you wont be able to shape it.

The Half would be your Rose Petal.

Peel off the wax and wrap it around the wick. Handle carefully, as the wax would still be hot.

Repeat the process and keep wrapping the petal around the wick .

Shape it into a flower.

Don't worry if you have candle scraps.

Put it back into the container and heat it again.

Shape it and let it cool.
   Make more of your colour choice.

Your floating candles are ready to be lighted.


  1. Wow, your DIY flower candles are beautiful! Thanks for sharing the tutorial at Sew It Cook It Craft It. You're one of my features today!

    1. thank u so much.....!!!!! :) elated to be featured on your blog!!! :)

  2. Your candles are beautiful, and you make the process sound really easy. Thank you for sharing the tutorial at The Really Crafty Link Party, and happy 2018!

  3. So clever, I love the way you have made these with minimal equipment and just your creativeness.

  4. Loved this project. Could you warn people, though, to put these candles in a straight sided container OR put enough water into a container so the the candle flame doesn't heat up the glass (think brandy snifter with a curved side!). The glass can shatter and then you have a REAL mess, not to mention fire hazard!


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